Mission Statement
The Wilton Public and Gregg Free Library seeks to assemble, preserve, and administer, in organized collections, books, electronic media, and related educational and recreational material in order to promote and stimulate knowledge, wisdom, culture, and pure enjoyment for all citizens.
To provide a place where inquiring minds may encounter all sides of original and critical opinions and concepts essential for the free community. To present lectures, concerts, films, or related programs from time to time, adding to the enlightenment and recreation of the community. To cooperate with the schools and school libraries wherever possible. To be alert to opportunities of cooperation with other libraries.
To adhere to all copyright laws and licensing agreements. To comply with the Library Bill of Rights. To endorse the Freedom to Read statement as adopted in 1991 by the American Library Association.
Wilton Public & Gregg Free Library
Recording Policy
Approved April 16, 2021
It is the policy of the Library Board of Trustees of the Wilton Public & Gregg Free Library (the Library) to permit filming, photography, videography, and audio recording under the conditions described herein only to the extent that it does not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of the Library, and is consistent with all Library policies. In the context of this policy filming, photography, videography, and audio recordings will be defined as recordings.
The Board hereby authorizes recordings in the Library and on the Library grounds as follows:
1. Classes or events sponsored by the Library may be recorded by the Library’s staff or its representatives. Library users, however, may not be recorded without written consent, or in the case of minors, without the written consent of their parent or legal guardian. Recordings made with consent may be displayed, broadcast, or published at the sole discretion of the Library.
2. Casual amateur recordings are permitted in the Library for visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that the photography does not interfere in any way with Library operations, or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Any such individuals creating any recordings are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are recorded.
3. No commercial or media recordings may occur in the Library or on the Library grounds without the prior written permission and approval of the Library Director. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial/media recordings will take place, and address the rights to ownership of the photos/films.
4. The Library may utilize recordings of public programs and events at library facilities and Library spaces on its website, social media platforms and in Library publications only with the written consent of the individuals, or their parent/guardian, if a minor.
5. Recordings submitted to the Library by others for online galleries or contests may be used by the Library for promotional purposes.
6. To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the recorded subject, parent, or legal guardian.
7. Any consent granted pursuant to this Policy to permit recording may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with the terms of the Policy or other rules and regulations of the Library.
Art Exhibit Guidelines and Policies Release Agreement
Request for Reconsideration of Material
Code of Conduct and Conduct in the Library and on Library Grounds
Facilities Use Policy and Application For Meeting Spaces
Public Health Emergency Patron Behavior Policy
Public Health Emergency Unattended Children Policy