If we don't have what you are looking for in our collection, we can request an Inter-Library Loan (ILL) for you from other NH libraries.
When you make a request our ILL Librarian, we will try to locate the book and have it delivered to us. Once you are notified, you will pick up your items here at the library.
There are several ways to request an Inter-Library Loan:
Here's how you request a loan through the online catalog:
Please allow at least 1 week before inquiring about your request once placed. The loan process is not under our control once the request has been made. We will call you when the item is ready for checkout, or sooner if we cannot borrow the item you have requested.
Please place inter-library loan requests only with libraries where you have a card. For example, do not contact the Milford library with a book request unless you have a Milford Library card. Doing so goes against policies and procedures put into place by the State of New Hampshire. We will work in conjunction with other town libraries to request/receive your item as soon as possible.
We are happy to work with you to find the materials you need!